HH and Heredity

Hi all,

I always knew that Hyperhidrosis ran in my mom’s side of the family. Her sister (my aunt) was born with it and so were her two boys (my cousins). I was surprised to hear earlier this year that a cousin on my dad’s side of the family was recently diagnosed with the condition.

My dad told me about my cousin’s diagnosis and I reached out to her. She told me she went to a doctor and was prescribed a product called Hypercare. I had never heard of this treatment before but looked it up to find that its active ingredient is Aluminum Chloride. She is having success with this product!

I am thankful that I can talk to my family members about Hyperhidrosis openly and recently helped out my younger cousin on my mom’s side who hadn’t tried any previous treatments. After sending him and his mom a compiled list of some mild treatment options, he decided to go with an over the counter hand lotion. He is having a lot of success with this product so far! It’s called Dry Grip and can be found on Amazon.

HH runs in my family, but so does support. We are all very willing to listen and talk about HH and help each other out.

Best of luck,


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